Low-Tech Factory by ECAL

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Animal Growth by Eleonora Castellarin and Moises Hernandez

Students of leading Swiss design school ECAL have created Low-Tech Factory, a series of craft-led machines devised during a workshop led by Chris Kabel and Tomás Král, and shown at the recent Designers' Saturday in Langenthal.

The outcomes include a rocking chair that knits hats; a popcorn maker that pops grains one-by-one; a system for adding marbled effects to any surface; and a fun workshop to teach kids and adults alike how to make stuffed toys.

Rocking-Knit by Damien Ludi and Colin Peillex. Photo: ECAL/Nicolas Genta

Rocking-Knit by Damien Ludi and Colin Peillex. Photo: ECAL/Nicolas Genta
Rocking-Knit is a custom rocking chair that uses the motion of the user to knit winter hats.

Rocking-Knit by Damien Ludi and Colin Peillex. Photo: ECAL/Nicolas Genta

Animal Growth is an easy and accessible workstation which teaches participants to make stuffed toys from scratch, by breaking the process down into simple cutting, gluing and filling steps.

Oncle Sam by Laurent Beirnaert, Pierre Bouvier & Paul Tubiana. Photo: ECAL/Nicolas Genta

Popcorn-making machine Oncle Sam explodes the corn grain-by-grain, creating a theatrical display from a simple culinary task.

Oncle Sam by Laurent Beirnaert, Pierre Bouvier & Paul Tubiana. Photo: ECAL/Nicolas Genta

Marbelous by Anurag Etchepareborda & Flora Fixy. Photo: ECAL/Nicolas Genta
Marbellous applies a layer of mixed paint to the surface of any object, creating a marbled effect that is different each time.

Marbelous by Anurag Etchepareborda & Flora Fixy. Photo: ECAL/Nicolas Genta