Yoichi Yamamoto architects for Issey Miyake, Tokyo |
Japanese design firm
Yoichi Yamamoto Architects has created a visual merchandising display in
Issey Miyake’s Tokyo store windows entitled 2D/3D Chairs, which plays with perspectives. Inspired by Miyake's philosophy of "from 2D cloth to 3D dress", Yoichi Yamamoto have sliced the tops off a series of traditional, comb back dining chairs and arranged them across the shop floor. When viewed from a front-on perspective the chairs appear in full form, complete with seat and legs.
Yoichi Yamamoto architects for Issey Miyake, Tokyo
The legs however are in fact 2D prints on the white platform, so that when the viewers’ perspectives change, the chair illusion begins to distort, with legs becoming elongated and seat shapes appearing stretched. For more information on this installation, view the full report on WGSN-homebuildlife