Mise en scene by Élitis |
French textile company
Élitis specialise in high-end, beautifully made fabrics, wallpapers and wall coverings - and are widely considered to be leaders in their field. Here, WGSN-homebuildlife takes a look at the highlights from their current collections.
Alliances by Élitis |
Alliances (above and below) is a collection of wall coverings made from non-woven backings with thermo-moulded jersey fabric layered on top to create a thick material with a soft touch. A choice of drawings, including depictions of vases and botanicals, provide surface pattern.
Alliances by Élitis |
Mise en scene by Élitis |
Mise en scene is a range of wallcoverings made from linen and fine non-woven fibres. Each piece is given a metallic finish and has a luxurious, shimmering aesthetic.
Nature précieuse by Élitis |
Nature précieuse is a collection of fifteen coverings made from natural materials, including silk, horsehair, bamboo, cork and straw. WGSN-homebuildlife loves the rich red, as shown above, with strands of delicately graduated hues interspersed amongst the main colour.
Talisman by Élitis |
Talisman is a hand-crafted wallcovering made from woven sisal plant fibres of different colours. This creates a fine, almost thatched patterning on the surface of the covering.
Zanzibar by Élitis |
Zanzibar is a heavily textured wallpaper with irregularities drawn from the vegetal world. Each piece in the range uses dense, strong colours.
Visit the website to view the full range of products - including furniture and fabrics.