Designs Abroad at New York International Gift Fair 2011 |
1. Hammered metals: Hammered metal has emerged as an important finish and texture for flatware, tableware and decorative accessories
2. Polished and brushed gold: Gold is the finish of choice for everything from trivets to tableware. It is seen in polished and brushed textures and accents the insides of unfinished ceramics
3. Deconstructed simplicity: Forms have surpassed minimalism and designers are discovering new ways to both accentuate the simplicity of an item as well as maximise its functionality
2. Polished and brushed gold: Gold is the finish of choice for everything from trivets to tableware. It is seen in polished and brushed textures and accents the insides of unfinished ceramics
3. Deconstructed simplicity: Forms have surpassed minimalism and designers are discovering new ways to both accentuate the simplicity of an item as well as maximise its functionality