Saucepan, estimated to sell for 1500-2000 euros |
A selection of works by renowned Romanian sculptor Constantin Brancusi will be auctioned today by
Artcurial in Paris - including a collection of objects made by the artist for his own domestic use.
Pipe, estimated to sell for 4000-5000 euros |
Six sculptures and a large collection of household objects will be on offer to bidders, all gifted by Brancusi to two of his close friends and collaborators, Natalia Dumitresco and Alexandre Istrati, before his death in 1957.
Dining chairs, estimated to sell for 4000-5000 euros |
The interest in the objects from press and public alike is confirmation of our current thirst for authencitiy and honesty in the products we choose to surround ourselves with.
As we move into spring/summer 2011, WGSN's macrotrend
Fair & Square advocates a pared-down design aesthetic: expect to see many more objects with a focus on back-to-basics function and design. Each Brancusi object is made from raw, natural materials with minimal surface finish, and shows signs of wear and tear, having been put to daily use for many years.
Serving platters, estimated to sell for 2000-3000 euros |
Brancusi sculpture, expected to sell for 60,000-80,000 euros |