Monday, 3 February 2014

Live from NY Now: key trends

Neo's at NY NOW January 2014
The renamed NY NOW (previously known as New York Gift Fair) kicked off yesterday in New York. This season's show mirrors many European shows' trends while still providing some insightful local design houses with the opportunity to display their wares for the North American market.

Key trends include natural surfaces, metallics, exaggerated texture and surfaces, and pops of bold colour combined with muted vegetal tones.

HomArt at NY NOW January 2014

There is a surge in decorative animal heads and the use of horn, husk and antler in decorative accessories is also on the rise.

Essent'ial at NY NOW January 2014

NY NOW runs until February 6 and Homebuildlife subscribers will be able to see our full trend analysis early next week.

Cody Foster at NY NOW January 2014