Friday, 21 February 2014

Italian design: autarky, austerity and self-production at Triennale Design Museum

Enzo Mari, Proposal for an Auto-design (moulds), 1973 

A new exhibition at Milan's Triennale Design Museum charts the different approaches to self-production across three historical periods: the 1930s, 1970s and year 2000.

The show investigates the origins of Italian design in the 1930s - the so-called autarkic period - then analyses the 1970s, marked by the economic crisis, to get to 2000, which is characterised by new makers, experimental forms of production and self-production.

Vittoriano Viganò, Terrace set (unique piece), 1951

TDM7 - Auto da sé will run from April 3 to February 22. The exhibition design is curated by Philippe Nigro with graphic design by Italo Lupi.