Monday 4 October 2010

HBL Tradeshows: +Chae Young Kim at 100% Futures

Korean designer Chae Young Kim exhibited her collection of digital textile designs at 100% Futures in London last month. Generated using very fine 2D vector lines combined with hand drawings, the grayscale prints create the illusion of soft and tactile knits on hard surfaces and fabrics.

The Knitted Room prints are part of her wider Urban Camouflage collection. The wall panels are digitally printed on silk habotai and tufted in sections to enhance the pattern.

"Award winning London based contemporary artist, Chae Young Kim, pushes the boundries of digital textile designs. By exploring the tensions between the real and the virtual, the digital and the anologue, the mathmematical and the organic, she creates intricate, fascinating designs of genuine originality and beauty under the theme of Urban Camouflage." - +Chae Young Kim